
How to get perfect night sleep

A poll on how to get a perfect night sleep was carried out recently. The results showed that all it takes is going to bed at exactly 10pm, wearing pyjamas and enjoying a cup of tea beforehand.

A study of 2,000 adults who claim to enjoy an undisturbed sleep every single night of the week has highlighted how to achieve a decent slumber.It shows the events of the evening have an impact on the night ahead - with most people ensuring they have at least two hours and seven minutes 'down time' before hitting the sack.

The average person will watch at least an hour and three quarters of television, opting for soap operas or comedy quiz shows.And when going to bed, Brits have another 20 minutes rest time before finally falling asleep at 10:26pm.

Tania Johnston, spokewoman for bedlinen brand Bedeck, said: ''The survey draws attention to a common pattern of events leading up to bedtime, and the things most people who get a good night's sleep do whilst in bed.

''When people are juggling busy work and personal lives, a perfect sleep can make all the difference.

''It seems one of the key elements is to have a good couple of hours doing very little - such as reading a book, watching the television or playing computer games.

''And the actual time people are going to bed is important, with most people ensuring they get a healthy eight or nine hours a night.''


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