
iPad3 released in UK today

Apple's iPad3 is out in market in UK today with many people joining the queue outside the Apple retail store in London. One person even offered his spot in the queue for sale on eBay. He wrote on the auction site:

 "I took my place by mistake in the queue two days ago not realizing it was the queue for the new Apple iPad3 to be released in UK on 16th March. I don't require the position now as I am not an Apple fan and am therefore putting it up for sale to the highest bidder."

The new iPad was announced by Tim Cook, Apple's chief executive, in San Francisco last week. 
The new iPad has has a high resolution 'retina' display that has four times as many pixels as on the iPad2, improved graphics performance and a better camera, LTE mobile broadband connectivity and improved 3G connectivity. 


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