
Japan comes up with airbag earthquake protection

Now Japan can protect its homes from the damage of earthquakes as it has designed giant airbags. They can fit in the homes and float through tremors. 

Air Danshin Systems Inc. is presently fitting the device to around 100 properties across the country, according to Hiroshi Hosoda, a spokesman for the firm.
When an earthquake strikes, a sensor within the property detects the movement and activates a compressor that pumps air into bags beneath the building within one second. The air is sufficient to lift the structure off its foundations and maintain it at a height of about 3cm (1.2 inches) for as long as the ground continues to shake.
A valve that is within the structure controls the amount of air that is being forced beneath the building to keep it steady and upright.
Footage of tests on the system show the house remaining almost perfectly stationary while the foundations and ground shake for several seconds.
Once the system senses that the tremor has ended, the air is gently let out of the bags and the house settles back onto its foundations.


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