
Windows phone outselling Nokia's Symbian

Nokia's Symbian smartphone sales share fell from 12.4 per cent a year ago to just 2.4 per cent. Apple’s iPhone now accounts for 28.7 per cent of all -in use in the UK, compared to 22.7 per cent a year ago.

The Symbian operating system is being phased out in the developed world after Nokia Chief Executive Stephen Elop described it as a 'burning platform' prior to announcing the company's shift to Microsoft's Windows Phone.

The company is however still making money from the OS in the developing world, and at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona itannounced the PureView 808 phone, featuring a 41 megapixel camera and running Symbian.
Google’s Android operating system also rose and is now 48.5 per cent of all smartphones phones, up from 37.8 per cent a year ago. Proportionally, however, Windows Phone was the largest riser, up from 0.5 per cent to 2.5 per cent. It outsold Symbian’s 2.4 per cent share for the first time, according to data from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech.
Nokia’s Lumia 800 handset was however the most popular Windows Phone device, accounting for 87 per cent of sales for the entire operating system. The 900 and the 710 models have, however, respectively been announced and launched only recently.


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