
Working of a Human Brain Explained by a Virtual Model


Preparations are underway by a European neuroscientist to construct a virtual human brain to understand the brains functioning and why they sometimes fail.

Henry Markram, a neuroscientist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, believes the only way to truly understand how human brains work - and why they often don't - is to create one, then subject it to a barrage of experiments. 
Markram has established the Human Brain Project to do just that. The effort aims to integrate the hundreds of thousands of pieces of the brain puzzle that have been discovered by neuroscientists over the past few decades, from the structures of ion channels to the mechanisms of conscious decision-making, into a single supercomputer model: a virtual brain, Live Science reported.

If the plan works, then the resulting model will be capable of learning and will gradually develop complex cognitive abilities, much like a living human.


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