
The Corking Car Technology Is Very Distractive

in car tech e1335033733255 The Corking Car Technology Is Very Distractive

The bombardment of technology has shaken our lives from its very foundation. It certainly has altered the way we eat, speak, walk, sleep, listen, watch, command, and even the way we drive cars.
Among the automobile makers the race to embed the latest technology in their vehicles is on from many years. They spend multi million dollars each year to win this race, but at the risk of our life. That’s true.
The car technology has been debated over and over again to have deviated humans from their primary purpose of driving. As in high tech cars we have witnessed, some of us must have experience of it, the Internet access, iPad docks, TV monitors, radio, climate controller, navigation system, and much more. Even some of the latest vehicles have voice activated communication systems installed in them. All this tech brings about sheer cognitive distraction for drivers.
You may think using Facebook or sending Tweets from your car is very easy and it doesn’t jeopardize your life but in my opinion it surely does. Human brain is capable of multi tasking but when it comes to rendering complex information out of lots of given data, in our case car-laden roads and lots of flashing red and green lights, the output can be distorted. Driving is a complex task, a single glimpse off the road can result in a car crash. History has revealed such facts many a time.
Driverless car is a futuristic concept and various automobile and non- automobile makers are reported investing their efforts into this, like Google. But how safer they will be when they hit the road. No one knows for sure.
Voice command to control various functions of your vehicle is another attractive in-car tech that blows your mind. Car makers say it gives drivers full control of their driving since they don’t need to take their hands off the steering in order to operate things, focus is 100 percent on the road. The distraction is very mentally and this isn’t a right time for entertainment you see...

Just don’t start disliking such high tech cars, but make your safety. That’s the real concern.
Source: etechmag.com


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