
Headline April 22, 2012/ A Sense of Mortality

Part 1
Respectful dedication to every crash victim who lost his life. 
''May you all rest in peace! Amen!'' 

The only earthly certainity is death!! Never forget that! Touched by our headline announcement of yesterday, many, by the scores, communicated with me to exprees their humaness and greatness. This altered our thinking, and so our headline subject, and brought us all to the one, you are now reading.

Aircrashes are devastating. For almost every human, no  matter who and where you are, a segment of deep aloness surfaces. But before I think and write more, let me capture for you, the last 5 minutes of this ill fated flight. Having begun descent a good 300 nautical miles, the Captain would have been considering takiing controls. Seeing the CB cell swiriing on his weather radar, he would have the 'fasten seat belt' on qnd requested for joining instructions for Instrument Landing Approach.

Now steady at a prescribed height, heading inbound, he would roughly 8 minutes away from touchdown, looking at the outermarkers, his speed and controlled descent. The passengers would be tense from the turbulence and lightning streaks visible from the windows. The cabin crew professional and alert, would be checking thru on instructions. 8 kms out, the Captain would have first felt, a suddenly downdraft followed by a sudden upthrust that would send the noseup, speed down, and killed the aerodynamic laws. From just over a 1000 ft above ground level, 7kms away from the runway, the aircraft would have plummeted like a stone. Nobody but the Captain and the Copilot would have truly known what was now was about to happen! God bless them all!!

So the wisdom now, is for 'Sam'' to turn death into a teaching moment motivational tool. Say, as the British would put: '' The Grim Reaper'' as life coach!? Maybe, all students need to read up the great masterpiece memoir of Mitch Albom : "Tuesdays with Morrie" - 1997, that stayed on the best seller list it seemed, forever. But there is a snippet from it.

Albom a sportswriter, paid a call every Tuesday on his favourite  former teacher, Brandeis University Professor Morrie Schwartz, afflicted with terminal disease. From his Professors tutorials, Mitch learnt how to live, how to love, and how to appreciate life's humming bird flight. In one beautifully written scene, the teacher explains to him that 'the most important thing in life is how to give out love, and to let it come in.' And as one thinks about these heavy matters, a haunting midnight hour is sure to follow.

Take the opening scene Martin Amis's novel : The information, with this panaromic view of men weeping with the stricken realization that they are going to die. After all Julian Barnes asks in 'Nothing to be frightened of, "Who can teach us to die?" There is by very definition and essence nobody to walk us thru it!??

As the master Omer Khyyam puts it so heart wrenchingly :

"Not one returns to tell us through
And for all to learn , we must travel too!!?"

As this post runs through many bleeding hearts, great fellow mortals, post us and share us with everybody.

God bless and good night.

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless.


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