
Headline April 23rd, 2012 / The World's Heart Of Darkness!

Part 2
"The World's Heart Of Darkness!!"
Respectful Dedication George Price!

George Price

Jeanne Safer. Ph.D, wrote this rare book : -''Death Benefits''. And here is a passage from the introduction : '' I have found the death of a parent any parent, can set us free. It offers us our last, best chance to become our truest, deepest selves. It creates unique opportunities for growth-possibilities unimaginable before and not available by any other means.

Nothing else in adult life has so much unrecognised potential to help us become fulfilled human beings---wiser, more mature, more open, less afraid.'' And Rob Reiner's ''The Bucket List'' raises everything for meaningful gusto to greater heights in it.

The two terminally ill men meet up in a cancer ward embark on a world tour to check off items on their bucket list, which include skydiving, getting a tattoo, seeing the pyramids, visiting the Taj Mahal, driving a Shelby Mustang. They ofcourse, die. And have their ashes buried in the snow on Mount Everest, so that they can spend fictive eternity together at high altitude. The Bucket List came out just a few years ago.

Money does satisfy grand wishes. Many people have a Bucket List. Some even a secret one!! And some even nurture a spirit of manumission expressed once by the eminent journalist Walter Lippmann and his wife to a friend. On the friend's observation that they both were rather looking so euphoric. Answered Mrs Lippman : ''Because we have decided that we shall never go to Japan. Such a relief!!'' Japan will just have to get along without us, as it has done so for many many centuries; Cairo, Morocco, and Mumbai too. Hahaha!

But should you be fortunate enough to have both your parents alive, then you are not likely to feel the chill of chills down the back of your neck. Their survival providing a psychological buffer zone, a protective canopy, denied to so, so many.

And everytime you hear of a massive tragedy, like an airline crash, an earthquake, a Tsunami, the mortality fears are bound to stab your heart, even your brain, even if you haven't experienced first hand, the hospital waiting room vigils!!! But for how long!!??

As the Omer Khyyam puts it so heart wrenchingly :

And then to the rolling heavens itself I cried, 
What lamp has destiny to guide?
Your little children stumbling in the dark
Blind understanding haven't replied.

Goodnight & God bless!

SAM Daily Times - The Voice Of The Voiceless


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