
Headline April, 2nd / Chancellors - Crackerists - Chariots

Part 2
Chancellors - Crackerists - Chariots

Respectful Dedication Lars Christian/ CEO Telenor Pakistan 
Mohsen Tavakoli/ President & CEO Ericsson Pakistan

And in India, a group hacked into the country's atomic research center computers to protest against nuclear testing. Warroom Research, USA, a security consulting firm surveyed Fortune1000 companies  and determined that 70percent of the companies had been the target of  'information espionage' with all penetrations through their dial-up connections or the Internet.

The survey also found that none of the companies reported these intrusions to the police because they didn't trust the ability of the law enforcement to investigate the crimes. Haha! That's truly funny!

Now don't get hackers wrong. They have an honourable philosophy. Gleaming as they have themselves called 'White hat' hackers, claim that their interest is only to shame the expensive software, by finding flaws. They consider this an intellectual challenge rather than an illegal break ins. Haha! Fantastic!!? And the fact is that these "Hackers" offer valuable service.

Microsoft has a history of having White Hat Hackers help them. It was these very hackers who helped Internet Explorer,and Windows NT,overcome their loop holes. Thus saving the project users major headaches and problems.

Where do Hackers get this skill from!!? Hahaha! There are many many deeply concealed websites! You can only get to them if you are persistent, brilliant, and get recommended by a person respected by the Hacker community.

Many Hackers have Websites that users and vendors find really helpful. And should you have a trusted persons profile, you will be explained how to hack into different systems. Information systems are getting more and more complex. So Security becomes very difficult. The number of pieces of the puzzle keeps growing.

The bottom line is that Networks are the Weakest in the Chain. But having said that, it is wise and pertinent to remind you that cracking or decoding passwords, the 'Achille heel' off computer security, is the most common security violation. Crackers love nothing more than capturing the password of the ''Super User.'' And be warned that modern cell phones are very vulnerable.

So dear readers don't miss what is to come. We hope to get more specific very soon. Till then, Good night and God bless!!

SAM Daily Times - The Voice Of The Voiceless


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