
Headline May 1st, 2012 / The Politics Of Life After Birth

The Politics Of Life After Birth
Respectful Dedication Clint Eastwood - David Miliband - Earnest Hemingway

Clint Eastwood

David Miliband

Earnest Hemingway

In these enlightened times -But are these enlightened times?- let me sum up the Manthropology post, with the Egyptian lesson! No, no, No! I am not talking about the 'Arab Spring' here, but something equally, if not more profound! Well, the Arab Spring has stagnated into a circle of no joy! But flogging donkeys who've been broken by the burden of their task has been outlawed.  Instead, charities such as the Brooke Hospital in Cairo take them in, bathe their sores and try to erase the trauma of what came to pass.

But in all the ways that really matter, all males and men, silent in majority but by far the better. Noble of heart. Quick of mind! And though we may not be able to hunt wild animals quite as nimbly as our ancestors did back in the bush over 20,000 years ago, there is nothing remotely, remotely inadequate about modern man! 

Do take another look at us, will you! We fulfill the traditional male role of providing and protecting the ones we love. And to that we are always eager and keen to embrace any newly minted ones, like sharing our feelings and helping with parenting. Or shall we say, being the backbone of the edifice of the family. Today, a Man is raising his sons and daughters in a way that would have been unthinkable 30 years ago. What more can the World can expect from Men?! 

A modern Man watches what he eats. Does a regular gym. Is considerate human who also reads bedtime stories to any nipper. So if there is a mysterious and scary noise at night, the male is the one who will risk investigating with or without a bat. These are the actions of mature, well rounded , fulfilled and loving males. Inadequate? So who the hell is calling the modern males inadequate?! 

But as men have evolved they have discovered that just being tough is simply just not enough!! Unless ofcourse the males decide to fall back on something as sure as Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff!!" Many many reasons refute the claims of this book. The modern male is at his absolute peak; a winner in all good qualities, chivalrous, grasping, to the end. Any challenge is good enough as long as the excitement is large enough. The modern male is invariably a man in total control, able to handle anything. 

So it is only reasonable conclude the for the years ahead, he will be his own law and even his own morality. Hope, or Heroism will always be a modern males permanent kahuna. And it is never subtle. But he must also have a vision of steadfast reconciliation for the entire world. History is his to make, though never alone. 

We need every single human to help build a better life, a better world! 
Thanks to !W O W! And to all of you for your growing support. 

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - The Voice Of The Voiceless


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