
The Slowest Linux PC Built By A Russian Programmer

After knowing that in this fast tech world there is a programmer who has made world’s slowest Linux computer just recently I was quickly forced to question myself does he belong to some African town?
But no, the name suggests the man is from Russia. Dmitry Grinberg seems to me tired of witnessing and experiencing highly fast gadgets around or may he is testing things in his courtyard for his children.
Dmitry has built has barebones PC that has very basic specs, running Linux operating system on 1MB of RAM and having only 8-bit RISC microcontroller. The other day I was talking about petflops and exaflops but, curtsey of Mr. Dmitry, today I am talking about 6.5KHz speed, and 128 of flash storage also 16KB of SRAM.
Though it took the programmer four hours to load Ubuntu but he still believes the system is usable with its command line responding within a minute.


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