
Trinity Students Receive University Colours for Sporting Achievements

The annual celebration of Trinity College Dublin sporting achievements took place this week when a thanksgiving service for sport was held in the College Chapel followed by Sporting Commons during which Trinity sportsmen and women were awarded with the University Colours.

The Trinity Pink, designed to correspond to the Light Blue of Cambridge and the Dark Blue of Oxford, is awarded on individual sporting merit which is generally assessed in terms of outstanding club performance, representative selection or external achievement. This year Pinks were presented to individuals from numerous sports clubs within College including Badminton, Climbing, Football (Rugby) and Ladies Rowing. A number of sports clubs were also recognised on the night for excelling at their sport and winning Intervarsities in their respective sport and these included Ladies Gaelic Football, Mens Gaelic Football, Handball, Lawn Tennis, and Orienteers.

Read article at University website here.


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