Rooting of Android devices has long been discussed. Here comes the next hitter app called The Roar of the Pharaoh. It is Chinese game that is original with its rights but on Android it is a fake application that inherits malware Trojan to steal important information from your cell phone.
Sophos, a security firm, has pointed towards this fake app that gather sensitive information from the Android device it lands on and sends to malware’s author. And the bad thing, it does this all without seeking your real permission before installing the Android Trojan, Andr/Stiniter-A.
Chester Wisniewski who is a security researcher at Sophos says “Like many other mobile Trojans, this one sends SMS messages to premium rate SMS numbers and is capable of reading your SMSs as well…the mobile phone companies provide the payment processing and the bad guys have their money and are long gone before you ever receive the phone bill with the fraudulent charges.”
So guys be very careful checking on the name The Roar of the Pharaoh before you press Download button on Google Play.
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