
84th Commencement Coming May 18, 2012

Sarah Lawrence College

Commencement Ceremony: The Commencement Ceremony will be held Friday, May 18. The ceremony takes place under a tent (rain or shine) on Westlands South Lawn. The ceremony begins at 10 a.m. and generally lasts 2 to 2 ½ hours. A light reception on the North Lawn follows the ceremony.

Commencement Speaker: Adam Savage will address the 2012 graduates on Friday, May 18. Adam is well known as the co-host of the Discovery Channel television series MythBusters. The purpose of MythBusters is to educate with stealth: using the scientific method in entertaining and often explosive ways to test the validity of urban legends, historical legends and conspiracy theories. The program has inspired children and adults to delve more deeply into science, math, engineering and technology. More than a co-host of a television series, Adam is well-known for his accomplishments in industrial design, special effects design and fabrication. Off set, he is an ardent promoter of critical thinking and science education. Adam holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Twente, the Netherlands.

Commencement Week Activities/Residence Hall Closings: Traditionally, Commencement Week is a wonderful opportunity for graduates to relax and spend time with their fellow graduates and faculty at events like the Senior Lecture and the Graduates Dance. Seniors are welcome to remain in their residence halls during this week but students must vacate their rooms before 8 p.m. on Friday, May 18. There can be no exceptions. Residence halls close on May 13 at 5 p.m. for other students who are not graduating.

Families are welcome to visit campus Thursday, May 17, from 4-6 p.m. There will be an informal reception in the afternoon in the Heimbold Visual Arts Building and President's House Garden.

More details here.


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