
Drew University: Fostering Peace

Summer institute will provide emerging religious leaders from around the globe with training in religious conflict transformation and peacemaking

Drew University’s Center on Religion, Culture and Conflict (CRCC) has announced that it will host the first Drew Institute on Religion and Conflict Transformation in 2013, support for which is provided by a $300,000 grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York.

The institute will bring 30 emerging religious leaders from Indonesia, Pakistan, Israel, the Palestinian territories, Egypt and Nigeria to live and study together for three weeks. It will be held from Sunday, June 9 – Friday, July 5, 2013 on Drew’s Madison, NJ, campus.

“Our hope is to build a global network of young religious leaders who are skilled in the practice of peacemaking,” explained CRCC Director Dr. Christopher Taylor, a professor of religious studies at Drew.

Participants will receive training in both theoretical and practical aspects of religious conflict transformation and peacemaking. Seminars, workshops, and other activities will be led by scholars and senior religious leaders with expertise in the field.

“Through both the intensive training they will receive and the opportunity to live together while in residence at Drew, these young leaders will be better equipped to challenge radical religious forces in their own societies,” said Taylor. “They will also manifest a positive alternative influence on their constituencies and communities with regard to building positive relationships with other communities.”

The Carnegie Corporation grant will fund the institute for the next three years.

Original source here.


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