
Freedom of Choice: Student food fight in Brampton

BRAMPTON, CANADA - Students and the province of Ontario are about to become embroiled in a very public food fight after the Ministry of Education’s implementation of a school food and beverage policy that removes junk food from vending machines.

The students want to make their own choices about what they eat at school and not have it dictated to them.
They want the freedom to choose for themselves. Preferably that choice involves sodas, burgers, fries, hot dogs and other assorted delicacies appealing to the teenage palate.

“We feel undermined as students in the public system and we’ve had enough,” said Samuel Battista, 18, prime minister of the student council at St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School in Brampton. “How are students supposed to make the right choices after high school when there are no options or choices to make in high school?”

Along with his friend Brian Baah, the pair will launch a social media campaign Sunday aimed at undoing what they see as a failed policy. They are advocating for the right to choose what they want to eat.

Titled “Our Future” the campaign will begin with the release of a video through YouTube on Sunday evening. From there, the hope is that other forms of social media – such as Twitter and Facebook – will help the video go viral.

As of September 2011, students across Ontario were unable to purchase candy, chocolates, fries and energy drinks on school property.

“It’s not about limiting choice,” said Grahame Rivers, press secretary for the Ministry of Education. “We’ve heard from schools, parents, teachers and boards who feel that their schools should have healthy food choices and we’re working with them to find options that appeal to the student body.”

But many students have opted to leave the cafeteria in search of the food they want to eat. As a result, cafeteria revenues have fallen.

The decline affects funding for school clubs and societies which are funded in part by 8 to 10 per cent of cafeteria profits.

“There is less money now because of the policy and, as a result, we are unable to host some of the events that we would like at our school,” said Baah, minister of public relations for the student council. “We don’t want them to necessarily take out the healthy food but to present us with the alternative.”


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