The emergence of social media sites which foster quick and updated
information. It has become a part of every discretionary traveler since
these sites are home to unlimited information. They show even more
interest because of its accessibility. Even mobile booking has become
easier with the addition of network capabilities in phones. It has
become a common theme in executives, as well as the leisure travelers.
The increasing competition for market companies for these
technologies has pushed them to develop and grow. Such advancements so
much so that it would be hard pressed to find gadgets without mobile
media capabilities.
In terms of popularity, social media sites have a particular affinity
with Russians. In a survey by PhoCusWright, more than half of the
respondents check social network sites for travel reviews. For more
information, they think that travel reviews are more likely to help them
make a decision. Also, more than half of the Russians have become more
inclined to share pictures of their travel experiences. Looking to get
advice from friends and family on where to go, Russians lean more
towards social media than the United States. Generally, its other market
counterparts have lagged a little behind in interest. Less than 40% of
UK travelers use their mobile phones for check-ins, sharing of
experiences and transactions. Germany however, has been on the low end
of taking advantage of this technology. There is less than a 30% average
interest in Germany in terms of using their phones.
The tourism industry of the United States and Russia are more
inclined to provide services for both mobile and social network sites.
In a survey conducted, more than half of them use mobile phones for
checking flight status. As well as finding information and updating
check-ins, the US mainly has the edge on European markets. Using mobile
media for planning travel, European markets generally showed less
interest. Compared to the German and the UK areas, less than 30% have
made use of mobile phones for ticket transactions.
The best thing about having these innovations is that information has
become more accessible for the public. The leading market companies
have a big task ahead of them in order to disseminate these services.
The discretionary traveler has become more aware and has taken advantage
of innovated media.
Posting pictures and sharing experiences has topped the list. More
and more options are being developed to smoothly monitor the flow of
finding information. Operational functions are now available such as
check-ins and ticket transactions. Mobile media is more accessible.
However, social networking sites account for more information and
updates from marketing companies around the world.
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