
Indonesian militants threaten to stop Lady Gaga show

JAKARTA: A hardline religious group warned Wednesday it would not let Lady Gaga set foot in Indonesia, challenging an army of fans awaiting a concert in the nation with the world's largest Muslim population.

The militants Defenders Front (FPI) vowed to mobilise 30,000 demonstrators to protest the US artist's June 3 performance in Jakarta and to intercept her at the airport.

"We will stop her from setting foot on our land. She had better not dare spread her satanic faith in this country," FPI Jakarta chairman Salim Alatas told AFP.

"Her style is vulgar, her sexual and indecent clothes will destroy our children's sense of morality. She's very dangerous," he said.

The US pop diva, famed for her outrageous outfits and provocative performances, has sparked opposition in other Asian countries with her "Born This Way Ball" global tour, which kicked off in Seoul last month amid protests.

But the FPI, notorious for making threats and often failing to follow through, will face opposition from 40,000 fans planning to attend the sold-out show in Indonesia.



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