
Prince Charles turns BBC weatherman

LONDON — Heir to the British throne Prince Charles had a light-hearted go at presenting the weather on BBC television Thursday, predicting a miserable spate of rain and snow for Scotland.

Looking straight into the camera as he and his wife Camilla tried out the job during a tour of BBC Scotland’s studios, Charles, 63, read the bulletin confidently and even added a few of his own personal flourishes.

“This afternoon, it’ll be cold, wet and windy across most of Scotland,” he said, gesturing fairly convincingly at the map behind him.

Reading a bulletin that included special references to royal residences in Scotland, he went on: “There’s potential for a few flurries over Balmoral—who the hell wrote this script?!—as the afternoon goes on.”

“In the west the rain will be lighter and patchier. There’ll be maybe a few drier interludes over Dumfries House in Ayrshire. Aha!” he said, looking pleased.

Concluding his gloomy forecast, the prince, wearing a suit with a burgundy handkerchief in the pocket, chuckled: “Thank God it isn’t a bank holiday.”

After Camilla too had a turn at reading the bulletin, BBC weatherman Stav Danaos said he feared for his job.

“They did a great job and were consummate professionals,” he said. “The prince even ended with his own pay-off line, which is always good.”

Prince Charles is well known for his interest in climate change and environmental issues. “Harmony”, a documentary about climate change which the prince narrated, held its worldwide premiere in London last month.

© 2012 AFP


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