
Quebec student group fights Bill 78

Quebec student group CLASSE says it is ready to defy the province's controversial protest law, regardless of legal consequences.

The association said Monday it refuses to comply with Bill 78, the government's legal response to Quebec's ongoing student crisis sparked three months ago over planned tuition increases.

If students face legal action, they are ready to run the risk, said CLASSE spokesman Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois.

"For us, fundamental freedoms cannot be hijacked by emergency legislation," Nadeau-Dubois told CBC's French-language service. "Our priority is to fight this law, especially if there's a chance it will be thrown out by a higher court."

CLASSE promised more protests throughout the summer, and said it has retained lawyers to prepare a legal challenge against Bill 78.

The Coalition large de l'association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (CLASSE) represents about 170,000 student groups from Quebec CÉGEP colleges and universities.

The student group's response comes as Montreal authorities are being criticized for their handling of chaotic weekend protests, and merchants threaten their own legal action over violent clashes in the aftermath of Bill 78's inception.

Nightly downtown protests are escalating in scope and damage, with Sunday's gathering netting 300 arrests and a dozen injuries.

Video clips of protest confrontations made their way around the internet overnight, sparking accusations of abusive policing.    CBC News 


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