
Saint Mary's College: Educating heart, mind, and soul

The bad news about Saint Mary’s College summer camps? They turn off the ice cream machine at breakfast.
That’s it. The rest of the news is great if you’re a girl entering grades 5–12: fun, friendship, fine arts, forensic science, athletics, and more. Plus, the chance to be mentored by outstanding Saint Mary’s students like Katey Wagner.
An elementary education major from Burr Ridge, Illinois, Katey loves camp so much that she’s sticking around after graduation to return for her third year as a fine arts camp counselor.

“Camp is just as much fun for the counselors as it is for the girls,” she says. “I love the kids and doing activities with them and laughing with them. And Saint Mary’s is a really good, safe environment. We’re a women’s college, so we’re very nurturing. We look out for the girls like they’re our little sisters.”

Katey first visited Saint Mary's College when her younger sister came to summer camp. "I drove with my mom to drop her off, and I loved it."
Katey first visited Saint Mary's College when her
younger sister came to summer camp. "I drove with
my mom to drop her off, and I loved it immediately."
The camps program has more than 50 dedicated staff members, including counselors, instructors, trainers, nurses, and other workers. They receive extensive training in everything from first aid and CPR to supporting homesick girls.
“The best thing for homesickness is to keep the girls busy so they don’t have time to think about home,” Katey says. “And at the end of the day, when they’re winding down, I try to make it extra special and give them attention and support. They come to my room or we’ll sit in the hallway and paint nails or have dance parties. I always bring snacks and play music for them.
"Saint Mary's is a really good, safe environment," Katey says. "We're a women's college so we're very nurturing."
"Saint Mary's is a really good, safe environment,"
Katey says. "We're a women's college so we're
very nurturing."

“The girls make friends so quickly and they’re so excited to be together.”

It’s also thrilling for them to get a taste of college life. “They love being in the residence halls. They’re like, ‘You live here all year? You’re so lucky you get to eat in the dining hall every day.’”
And the dining hall, Katey says, is one of the greatest joys of camp. While there are plenty of healthy options, “They get to eat corn dogs, mac and cheese, and curly fries," Katey says. "They love choosing their own food, and they especially love the ice cream machine. We have to turn it off at breakfast.”

University Press Release here.


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