
Steve Wozniak hired as 'tutor' on Steve Jobs film biopic

Having formed what is now the world's largest company, Steve Wozniak is to offer guidence for a film on his former partner Steve Jobs

Ahead of production of Sony’s upcoming Steve Jobs biopic, new reports have revealed that the film’s creators have hired fellow Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak to aid in the narrative of his former friend and colleague.

Whilst Ashton Kutcher has made headlines in recent weeks for his high-profile undertaking of Jobs in a rival flick of the Apple mastermind, Sony’s film based on the recent Walter Isaacson penned biography is to gain added true-to-life accuracies from the involvement of Job’s former partner.

Undertaking the role of “tutor”, it is reported that Wozniak will help screenplay writer Aaron Sorkin add to Isaacson’s book and extended notes to provide a more anecdotal description of the man behind the Mac, iPod, iPhone and iPad.

Having written such biopic movie hits as Moneyball and the Facebook themed Social Network, Sorkin is to once again pen a seemingly sure-fire hit as he employees the insider knowledge of Wozniak to help transform Jobs’ life to the big screen.

“I know so little about what I am going to write,” Sorkin said of the Steve Jobs themed film in a recent interview. “I know what I am not going to write. It can’t be a straight ahead biography because it’s very difficult to shake the cradle-to-grave structure of a biography.”

Would you be interested in seeing a film of the life of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs or do you feel it is still too close to his death to truly appreciate the man’s contributions to the world? Let us know via the T3 Twitter and Facebook feeds.


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