
Trinity Receives Top Marks in Litter Management

Minster of State, Michael Ring (cl) and Chairman of IBAL, Dr Tom Cavanagh (r) with Trinity College Grounds supervisor, David Hacket and Grounds Staff member, Patrick Hendrick and Stephen Geoghegan.

Trinity College received an A+ grading in the Irish Business Against Litter (IBAL) survey report Litter on Campus which was recently launched in the College. According to the survey nearly all of Ireland’s third level institutions are now litter-free and a model for other public places to follow, with 17 of 21 colleges surveyed now deemed litter-free.

The study of third level institutions carried out by An Taisce, and accounting for up to 300,000 students and staff, revealed that only three colleges assessed fell short of a litter free ranking. The report graded the institutions from A+ (‘Exceptionally Clean & Well Presented’) to C (‘Heavily Littered’) with IBAL recommending that those in charge of keeping clean public amenities such as hospitals, train stations and shopping centres should look to the performance of third level campuses.

“The task of keeping the campus ‘litter-free’ is not an easy one and litter management is a constant daily issue for College’s Grounds Staff,” stated TCD Facilities Officer, Noel McCann. “The publication of IBAL survey report presents an opportunity to highlight to all our staff and students the importance of every individual playing their part in maintaining Trinity’s A+ litter-free status.”

Original source here.


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