The Grable Foundation has awarded a grant of $30,000 to Allegheny College in support of the Pittsburgh operations of Creek Connections, a partnership between the college’s natural science division and elementary, middle and high schools.
Founded in 1995, the project has grown from five to more than 50 participating teachers at more than 40 schools, most of which are located in western Pennsylvania. In Creek Connections, K-12 students use neighborhood streams as outdoor laboratories for ongoing water quality investigations. The program extends the reach of the schools’ science curricula and provides authentic research experiences for students as well as assistance and materials that otherwise would not be available to teachers.
Creek Connections has partnered with Pittsburgh-area schools since 1998. A full-time field educator, Laura Branby, provides the majority of on-site and on-line support for school participants, organizes the annual student research symposium, represents Creek Connections in environmental outreach events and serves as liaison to collaborators such as Fern Hollow Nature Center, RiverQuest and the many environmental professionals who assist with symposia and Creek Camps.
Creek Connections has received numerous regional, state and national awards for its contributions to environmental education and stewardship. The program is directed by Jim Palmer, associate professor of environmental science and biology at Allegheny College, and managed by Wendy Kedzierski.
The Grable Foundation was founded in 1976 by Minnie K. Grable, the widow of Errett M. Grable. Mr. Grable was a founder and lifetime director of Rubbermaid Inc., which grew into an international housewares manufacturing company. The foundation’s mission is to help children and youth to become independent, caring, contributing members of society by supporting programs critical to a child’s successful development.
Original source here.
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