
Juveniles Charged; Weapon Incident On Campus

This Monday afternoon, Rowan County Sheriff's Deputy Scott Flowers was working as a Resource Officer at East Rowan High School when he was called to respond to Erwin Middle School, since Middle schools no longer have a Resource Officer assigned there. Once at Erwin, Deputy Flowers was directed to meet with the assistant principal, Mr. Snider.

Mr. Snider advised that a 13 year old male student, had been found to have in his possession a .380 Smith & Wesson semi-automatic pistol, and a magazine loaded with 6 rounds of ammunition. At the time that Mr. Snider seized the weapon, it was not loaded, nor was the magazine in the weapon. Mr. Snider advised that once he had knowledge of the weapon, he immediately located the student with the weapon, and seized it to ensure the safety of the students and staff. No school lockdown was required, since the weapon was immediately seized, and there was no longer any danger to anyone.

Investigation by school staff had determined that a 13 year old male juvenile had brought the weapon to school, in his book bag, on the morning of June 4th, and had shown the weapon to one other student, another 13 year old juvenile, during the day. The student that had originally brought the gun to school, discovered that the gun was gone from his book bag sometime after the other student had seen it. Immediately, this student asked to speak to someone in the school administration, and this is when Mr. Blake became aware of the gun.

Mr. Blake located the second 13 year old juvenile, and was able to find the weapon located in this juvenile's pocket. Once the weapon was secure, both 13 year old juveniles were taken to the office for disciplinary action. Responsible parties for both juveniles were called to come to the school and pick up the boys. The school will recommend a 365 day suspension of both students.

Once the parents of the juvenile who had originally brought the gun on campus came to the school, it was determined that this juvenile has located a hidden lockbox key sometime on the night of June 3rd. The juvenile used this key to open the box without the knowledge of any adults, sometime during the night, and removed the handgun, which he later took to school.

The 1st 13 year old white male juvenile will be charged via a juvenile referral with Larceny of a Firearm, Possession of a Firearm on School Grounds, and Carrying a Concealed Weapon.

The 2nd 13 year old white male juvenile will be charged via a juvenile referral with Possession of a Stolen Firearm, Possession of a Firearm on School Grounds, and Carrying a Concealed Weapon.

Read article at original source here.


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