
Luther's Spencer Martin and Miko Kominami release CD

"Gems Rediscovered," a recording by Spencer Martin, Luther College associate professor of music, and Miko Kominami, Luther adjunct faculty in music, has been released by Delos Productions. The new CD features sonatas for viola and piano by four lesser known, late-romantic-era composers: Benjamin Dale, Robert Fuchs, Paul Juon and Ernest Walker.

The CD is available in the Luther Book Shop for $16.99, or online at

"It is my hope that this music will be of interest to violists and non-violists alike, as each of these pieces deserves a place in our standard repertory," said Martin. Martin has performed and taught at music festivals throughout the U.S., Canada, Israel and Europe as both violist and conductor. An active chamber and orchestral musician, he has appeared as guest violist with the Pro Arte String Quartet and the Amelia Piano Trio.

He has served as principal violist in the Tuscaloosa Symphony, and frequently performed in the viola sections of the Minnesota Orchestra, the Alabama Symphony Orchestra, the Wichita Symphony Orchestra and the Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra.

In January 2007 Martin made his Viennese debut at the Konzerthaus in performances of Berlioz's "Harold in Italy" with the Luther College Symphony Orchestra. An avid proponent of Baroque music, Martin received a grant to study for three months during the summer of 2006 in Germany, where he worked with Baroque violinist Bernhard Forck and violist Barbara Westphal.

Martin holds the bachelor of music degree cum laude from Butler University, the master of music degree from Wichita State University and the doctor of musical arts degree from the University of Minnesota.

Kominami has concertized extensively throughout North America performing in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Minneapolis, Boston and Toronto. As a concerto soloist, she has appeared with orchestras in Connecticut, Indiana, Illinois and Iowa.

In addition to her work on campus, Kominami is the principal keyboardist of the Cedar Rapids Symphony Orchestra. She also performs regularly with the Murasaki Duo, a cello/piano ensemble in residence at Luther College, and has performed often with the Chester String Quartet.

Kominami gave her New York Solo Debut Recital at Carnegie's Weill Recital Hall in 1996 after winning the Artists International Award. She was acclaimed by New York Concert Review as "both a virtuosic and a musicianly performer." Other awards include a Canada Council Arts Grant and First Prize at the 1996 Concerto Soloists' Competition in Philadelphia.

She has performed live on WFMT Chicago, and Maine and Iowa Public Radio stations. Kominami holds the bachelor of music degree and the master of music degree from the Juilliard School in New York City.

University Press Release here.


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