
Students Lead Global Movement for Education in 130 cities.

Last night saw protests erupt around 130 cities across the world in during the second Casseroles Night in Canada. Protesters banged pots and pans in solidarity with the Quebec student movement and their on-going student strike, the longest in Canadian history, that is redefining what is possible for social movements in an age of austerity. The unlimited general strike (grève générale illimitée in French) continues to astound politicians and the media; the State's attempt to destroy the movement by declaring it illegal merely produced the largest act of civil disobedience ever in Canada and helped carry the spark of revolt across the globe.

Students, Occupiers, indignad@s, and social movements across the world have taken to the streets to show our support not only for our comrades in Quebec, but for a free, libertatory education system for all. We are rising up to resist a debt-based society and an economy built on exploitation. More than ever, our diverse and local movements are connecting in a massive network of global solidarity. And we are just getting started.

Oregon Students Hold Sit-In Against Tuition Increase:
In response to the recent approval of a of 6.1% tuition increase at the University of Oregon, the Tuition is Too Damn High Coalition marched on Johnson Hall, chanting “no cuts, no fees, education must be free!” and demanding a meeting with school president, Robert Berdahl. Berdahl agreed to meet today (June 7) with a closed group of around a dozen students.

Occupiers in Chicago, New York, and More March Against Debt In Solidarité with Quebec:
As Occupy Chicago led a noisy, but completely nonviolent, march in support of the infinite general strike in Quebec, Chicago Police turned out in huge numbers and pursued to march in a cat-and-mouse game through the city. Police tried to force students onto sidewalks before brutally attacking protesters around Michigan and Ohio streets. According to Occupy Chicago activists, women were dragged across the pavement and many others were struck with metal batons. 12 people, mostly core organizers who appear to have been targeted, were arrested.

One of the largest demos outside Quebec took place in Toronto, where around 2000 marched. Other demos were also held last night in Berlin, Frankfurt, San Francisco, Phoenix, Vancouver, Zagreb, and Seattle. Around 10 people were arrested at the march in New York.
Last Wednesday, May 30th, solidarity demos erupted during the first Casseroles Night in Canada in New York, Toronto, Vancouver, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Berlin, London and many other cities. Other cities in the U.S., including Washington, DC, Atlanta, Oakland, Denver, and Little Rock have also marched in solidarity.



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