
Berlin holds Hipster Olympics

Participants compete in a Crate Race at the Hipster
 Olympics (Hipster Olympiade) in Berlin July 21, 2012.
 (Reuters/Thomas Peter)
The ultra-fashionable young in Berlin have held competitions in bubble tea drinking and throwing horn-rimmed glasses into the air as the German capital hosts the second Hipster Olympics.

The event was aimed not just to give hipster subculture a venue for self-expression but also to mock them.
Hipsters are known to be very skinny, and doing sports is generally not their cup of tea. Thus instead of doing traditional sports participants of these “Olympics” toss confetti, throw horn-rimmed glasses, spin vinyl records and pull skinny jeans apart.

Other contests this year included sucking bubble tea through a straw, jumping in canvas bags, and of course a best moustache competition.

Hipster participants had to use whatever they find at hand to make the most flattering moustache.
Team Jam FM took home the Golden Club Mate beer trophy at this year’s competition.

Similar events have been held in London and New York.

People compete in a canvas bag jumping event

People compete in a horn-rimmed glasses tossing event


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