
Google encouraging YouTube users to ditch anonymity

YouTube users are being asked to use their real names in a bid to deal with the problem of abusive comments.

When YouTube users try to post a comment they are now met with a box displaying their current, pseudonymous identity, alongside their real name as shown on Google's social network, Google+.
The box asks users to "start using your full name on YouTube". Users are not obliged to accept the suggestion but if they decline they will have to tell Google why they don't want to use their real name.
Google said it began implementing the change last month to give users "the option" to use their Google+ identity on YouTube.
If users do choose to link their accounts they will have the option to review their past comments and disassociate themselves with anything they find embarrassing. "Maybe you posted a few things way back (all those 'I love you Biebs!!' comments?) that you’d rather not associate with publicly," writes Google's John Fisher.
He added: "However, we realize that using your full name isn’t for everyone. Maybe people know you by your YouTube username. Perhaps you don’t want your name publicly associated with your channel."
A YouTube spokesman said: "Note that it is not only for commenting – YouTube users with existing Google+ profiles see this option when they comment or upload a video."


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