
Hackers post pilfered Yahoo logins

Hackers, posted over  453,000 login credentials to the hacker site D33D Company. The data may have  originated from the Web pioneer's network. The hackers said they used a union-based SQL injection technique to penetrate the Yahoo subdomain. 

"We hope that the parties responsible for managing the security of this subdomain will take this as a wake-up call, and not as a threat," the hackers said in a comment at the bottom of the data. "There have been many security holes exploited in webservers belonging to Yahoo! Inc. that have caused far greater damage than our disclosure. Please do not take them lightly. The subdomain and vulnerable parameters have not been posted to avoid further damage."

The hacked subdomain appears to belong to Yahoo Voices, according to a TrustedSec report. Hackers apparently neglected to remove the host name from the data. That host name -- dbb1.ac.bf1.yahoo.com -- appears to be associated with the Yahoo Voices platform, which was formerly known as Associated Content.

Yahoo is investigating the matter.


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