
Headline July 16th, 2012 / "The Toady!!"

Ladies And Gentlemen: 

"The Toady!!"

Into every life, Toadies must come. No shaming the shameless!! Typically, they appear quiet early and bedevil us in some form or other -both in public and in private- until the very very end! Now note this: The first evidence of their presence maybe a sibling's whining threat. ''You better not, or I'll tell mommy.''

Later, Toadyism appears in the person of a grade-school classmate whose hand is always flailing the Air as you struggle to think of an answer to the teacher's damnable question. An unforgettable, unforgivable voice : ''Please. Mrs Tom, I know the answer!!''

Then all of a sudden it is 10 years later you are in a College or at the University, and nothing truly has changed but the words. The sleaziness stays the same. ''Well, gee,.......Bob, I think what Rob is saying, --do correct me if I am wrong here, boss--' is that some of us don't seem to be doing all we can to identify with an honourable life and higher purpose to build a better world, than this divisive shame!''

My advise is make good judgements and identify these Toadies or better still : 'These Black Sheep'' early and ask them to make amends!! Remember, Toadies have never gone out of fashion since recorded time, as objects of utter scorn, especially in literature.

The cast of character is long and undistinguished, ranging from Lucifer, who was after all, God's right-hand Apple-polisher until he tried for the top spot, to the despicable Grima Wormtongue in J.R.R. Tolkien's ''The Lord Of The Rings.'' Perhaps, and let me give it you as straight as an arrow, no character symbolizes Toadyism better than Polonius in Hamlet.

Read it up! Polonius is energetically and shamelessly buttering up the prince while at the same time currying favour with the King by plotting against Hamlet.

Shakespear's quintessential Toady moment is worth quoting, since it sums up a classis Yesman's shameless agility:

Hamlet: Do you see yonder cloud that's almost in shape of a camel?
Polonius: By the mass, and tis like a camel indeed.
Methinks it is like a Weasel.
Polonius: It is backed like a Weasel.
Hamlet: Or like a Whale?
Polonius: Very like a Whale.

As befits such Todies and Black Sheep, this old groveler comes to a bad and miserable end, of course as do all Lucifers, Warmtongues, and most of the famous Toadies of literature.

The obvious insight is that one of the reasons we often prefer books to real life is that things work out better on paper. In actuality, Toadies breed of cultural swamps that we mindlessly weave and then nurture beginning sadly from our very own hamlets!!

Many many thanks to !WOW! Many many thanks to World's heroic Students, who acquainted me early to this. Catch ya all on this awesome Work! Thank you all for Teaching me! Lets get moving as a better world awaits us all! Please make sure that you share with the whole world which needs it just so badly!

Good night & God bless!

SAM Daily Times - The Voice Of The Voiceless


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