
Headline July 17th, 2012 / Toadies: ''An Elite Corps''

Toadies: ''An Elite Corps''

If you work somewhere and some place, even that be the University Lab, or the Library, or the admin office, bet the odds that a Toady is at work there full steam. Power of any kind creates them with a kind of spontaneous generation, as if there were a Toady slot in every organisation and somebody simply had to fill it.

Of course, some people take on the job with a notable gusto that would shame a maniac. While consciously aware that a Toady's daily life is about as enviable a Leper colony, but you will never find this shame ever run short of volunteers nevertheless. 

Toadies vary in size, sex, plumage and methodology, but they all behave in a certain characteristic ways that will make them recognizable.

Invariably, guiding all their actions is a rapt concentration on the man or woman who holds the power. In the way a sailor keys his every sense to understanding the wind, a Toady will strive to attune himself utterly to the mood and the desires of the boss. The Toady's determination to become one with No 1, is the closest thing to Zen is our modern life's system of governance and living. 

An example of this phenomenon is the Toady Transformation, an instant change when power comes into room. Almost magically, the Toady knows how to distant himself from hardwork, shared sacrifice and from his colleagues, no matter what he was yapping on values or how chummy he was with his fellow workers a flat nano second ago. 

And the Toady will never fail somehow, to give the impression that he was talking with all of
them only to keep them from degenerating into the rebellious slackers they so naturally are. The transformation takes place no matter what the Toady is saying or doing at any given moment.

I do recall marveling once when a fairly infamous corporate Toady, who had been complaining bitterly about the lack of creativity and the general hopelessness of our fearless leader leapt to his feet when the boss entered the room, broke into a smile that was, frankly, an awful sight to see and exclaimed, ''Hey boss, great suit!'' 

An unmistakable mark of the Toady is a complete lack of embarrassment about doing this sort of thing. Embarrassment is a function of the Ego, and Ego -as opposed to overriding ambition- is a luxury the Toady 
can neither afford or dare acknowledge.

His transformation is so complete, a Toady literally loses any self respect to be embarrassed for, and without a hint of discomfort will do and say things that cause those around him to wince and shudder. No compliment for the Boss is too obsequious, no hype too overblown!! 

See now the world the Toadies got created!!
Good night and God bless!

SAM Daily Times - The Voice Of the Voiceless


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