
Missing teenagers found dead

Argentina:  Two teenagers, Yanina Nüesch-16 and Luján Peñalva-19 had been missing in the city of Salta since Saturday. On Monday their dead bodies were found near a tree on the side of the Ancho River. They were identified to have been strangulated.

In an emergency press conference, Salta governor Juan Manuel Urtubey confirmed that both girls had been asphyxiated with the same rope, and that investigators “are considering many hypotheses at the moment."

"For now we’re not ruling any of them out,” he explained.

The forensic authorities are expected to determine their cause of death in the next few hours after they perform an autopsy on their bodies.

One of the hypotheses being considered by investigators is that of a double homicide, while another is evaluating whether a possible suicide pact existed between the two girls.


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