The Most Advanced Silicon Enhanced :
'Computing Marvel' : In The World!
This devise is the possessor of more computer knowledge than any nerd can ever dare to conceive, even if his imagination runs wild. One day, some day, and in not too distant a future, wars will be fought out between spotty- computer geeks, playing out deadly games at the controls of Giant Computers, directing unmanned instruments of destruction from thousands of miles away.
But in the meantime, you will have to hold your breath and peep through to The New pound 33million Eurofighter, that speaks to you in a beautiful woman voice and has more computing power than any University in the World!!
This little carbon-fiber baby, developed jointly by Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain will take up the mantle in many Air Forces. The EuroFighter as it is called, is a silicon enhanced technological marvel in the world, with a ''human machine interface'' that recognises voice commands. Its most impressive attribute is a set of new generation computers that makes those of its peers look as advanced as a Sinclair ZX81.
Remember, that these days the fighter with the edge is the one with the best computer. And Eurofighter will fall out of the sky if its computers failed. Skill in front of the PC ought to count for more in the Eurofighter's cockpit than a neat way to execute an Immelman turn.
As the possessor of more technical computer knowledge than it's safe to admit in polite company, one has to see this killing marvel unfold at the British Aerospace's huge factory in Warton. Near Preston, where Test Pilots get trained and where the Simulaters are based for training. It has been suggested that modern fighter planes lack charisma.
And it's true, from the outside, that the delta winged grey painted Eurofighter, with odd canard wings below the Cockpit, portrays a unique personality. But if you are blessed and lucky to get to the simulator, you will discover Eurofighter's huge bag of personality.
This is meant quiet literally, since it is the fighter plane that can talk to you, listen to what you say to it,
if need be argue with you, and then advise you how how to fly it via an autocue. For technology students even professional technologists and scientists, here is an amazing example of "Petrinets" - at its greatest version ever conceived. Remember it can shoot down any plane in existence!!
It has ''Carefree handling'' like, 'hello, hello trees. Hey, hello flowers! Here, here Suck on this Sidewinder for a change!'' Hahaha!
So never miss this remarkable research from !WOW! Understand that on the benchmark, your wireless networks are 10 years laggards. Your corporate fancy ERP's a decade and a half!! Hahaha! Great wishes for you all!!
Good night & God bless!
SAM Daily Times - The Voice Of The Voiceless
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