To tweet, or not to tweet? That is the question not enough people are asking.
According to a recent study from the Pew Research Center, daily adult usage has doubled from May 2011 to May 2012, with 31 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds signed up.The expansion of accounts throughout the last year has many novice users coming to terms with what is considered socially acceptable Twitter behavior. Even experienced tweeters are now confronted with a much more complex system than in 2006, with automated posts, promotional tweets, and constantly morphing features.
While Twitter's slogan, "join the conversation," encourages users to engage thoughtfully with followers and friends, that's not always the case. Indeed, we've seen (and unfollowed) our fair share of careless tweeters; we also noticed a few trends among these users (over-Instagramming, hashtagging everything, tweeting under the influence).
Check out the slideshow (below) to see the 15 things you should definitely stop tweeting. Then, tell us what your biggest pet peeve is on Twitter. Share your opinions with us in the comments, or tweet it to @HuffPostTech. We might respond…if you follow the rules.
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