"The Eureka Moment!"
It may be appropriate to begin this post by thanking the President and the great people of France for their support. You can now log in as samdailytimes.blogspot.fr And in the very same breath I thank the Prime Minister of England and this great Nation!
You can now log through as samdailytimes.co.uk. Both 'rites of passage' a great honour! God bless you all! The Professor met his future concept partner, German Chemist Michael Braungart, in 95. Here is how he delights his memory: then we started talking about how the concept will work in the cosmos.
The energy would come from Sun, that materials and chemistry would be seen as mass flows on the earth, and they had to be coherent. He started diagramming all this scientific explanation of waste equals food, on the wall, and I wish I had saved it, because it was quite amazing.
What he was talking about was mass energy balance. If we combined the chemistry that he was doing with the design that we were doing, we could come up with something new. Effectively, that's when we started the whole concept of design chemistry.
It was a Eureka moment. Their first collaboration started in 95, which was perceived as a virtual industrial miracle. More on this later as I make a dog leg and get you a rare insight from the Professor: China is going to house 400 million people in the next few years or so. Imagine that??!
You know it is like rebuilding the entire United States in seven years -- all the housing here!! The Chinese have made bricks illegal in 174 jurisdictions, because they are afraid of losing all their soil and burning all their coal making brick. So, the Chinese can only ward off this huge huge disaster by looking at new materials and new strategies.
To facilitate his work in China, in 2000, McDonough accepted the CoChairmanship of the board of the China-US Center for Sustainable Development, an agency that seeks to create positive solutions to the massive environmental and ecological issues the nations have in common.
McDonough's great breakthrough came in when he was awarded the assignment of ''River Rouge'' the massive Ford Factory designed by Henry Ford in the 20s. Frankly, the factory approximated a Toxic Dump along a river!!
McDonough's great breakthrough came in when he was awarded the assignment of ''River Rouge'' the massive Ford Factory designed by Henry Ford in the 20s. Frankly, the factory approximated a Toxic Dump along a river!!
Good night & God bless!
SAM Daily Times - The Voice of the Voiceless
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