
Study to explore how cows make friends

It turns out the humble cow needs her friends just as much as we do.

And it s not just the cows themselves that benefit from having a tight group of mates.

Happy bovines make more milk, helping to satisfy a British thirst for the white stuff that runs into billions of gallons a year.

In an effort to understand how to best manage the ‘social network’ of the herd, scientists at Exeter University are fitting cows with electronic ‘proximity trackers’.

This will enable them to figure out which of the herd are the social butterflies, and which prefer to keep their own cow’nsel.

‘Cows are social animals that form important group structures,’ said Dr Darren Croft of Exeter University’s Animal Behaviour Research Group.

‘We want to find out just how important these are.’

The study is being co-funded by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and DairyCo, a levy-funded organisation working on behalf of British dairy farmers.

Natasha Boyland, a PhD student, has the task of observing the cows in the field.

‘We will look at the nature of the interactions to see just how relationships are formed and maintained within the herd,’ she said.

Collars fitted to cows on Orway Porch Farm in Cullompton use radio signals to determine how closely and how often they interact.

‘In combination with the proximity data findings and other information about the animals, such as their health status, we hope to gather evidence that can be translated into practical advice for farmers,’ said Dr Croft.


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