
Summer homework too much for students

It’s the last weekend of the summer holidays for Chinese students, and their new term will begin next Monday. Some may start the school year feeling burned-out, for the simple reason that they are still burdened with piles of homework that’s almost impossible to finish.

A rare sight during the summer vacation. Not many students may enjoy studying over the summer, but it’s a fact of life that they have little choice over.

With only several days to go before handing in, they’re all crowding into libraries.

Those who don’t snag a spot early enough, have to study instead in fast food restaurants. Parents are not happy either.

I don’t think it’s right for kids to do almost all the homework in just a few days. One step at a time is better."

Some find easier ways out, paying others for help.

We pay some students 100 yuan for helping doing the homework of three subjects. And we’re sure teachers won’t notice the difference.

Students say too much homework often leaves them with no other choice, even for some primary school kids.

My summer homework is too much, and I haven’t finished yet. I still have some English words to remember.

Mountain loads of homework takes up much of their time, meaning little left for other learning that goes on outside school.

Many say teachers should think twice before piling it up next summer. And it matters much more for students to feel rejuvenated and ready to learn.



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