
Taller women at high risk of cancer: study

A new research has revealed that taller women are more likely to get cancer. 

Their risk of developing some of the most common forms is up to a third greater. Scientists believe being tall may increase the levels of certain hormones known to trigger tumours.

A study carried out at Oxford University found the risk of cancer increased by around 16 per cent with every four inches of height.

The scientists studied the link between height and ten of the most common forms of cancer including breast, bowel, kidney, womb, ovarian and leukaemia by looking at the medical records of one million British women.

They found those who were 5ft 9in tall were more than 33 per cent more likely to get cancer than those who were just 5ft.

They believe one reason for the link is that tall girls tend to start puberty earlier and this is when their bodies begin producing large amounts of the hormone oestrogen, known to trigger the growth of tumours.

The scientists also point out taller people have more cells in their body so they have a higher chance that one will become cancerous.

"The fact the link between height and cancer risk seems to be common to many different types of cancer suggests there may be a basic common mechanism, perhaps acting early in peoples` lives, when they are growing," the Daily Mail quoted Jane Green, from the Cancer Epidemiology Unit at the University of Oxford, as saying.

"Of course people cannot change their height. And being taller has been linked to a lower risk of other conditions, such as heart disease," added Green.


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