
Test driving world’s first augmented reality car navigation system Cyber-Navi

TOKYO —Pioneer announced the newest model of Carrozzeria Cyber-Navi. This breakthrough device, which is set to hit stores soon, has been getting a lot of buzz for moving car navigation from the dashboard to about three meters in front of your car
Navigation device install in the center of the dashboard. It’s pretty easy to get all your information from that position, but it also involves you lowering your eyes. Clearly this is bad as it takes your eyes off the road.

Cyber-Navi’s Augmented Reality Heads Up Display (AR HUD) unit is mounted in front of the car’s windshield which means you can keep your eyes at the same level and still get all the info you need, because the information is projected three meters ahead of your car, you don’t even have to adjust your focus to read it. You can still make sure your route is correct while keeping your eyes on the traffic ahead of you.

A big highlight of Cyber-Navi is the “AR Scout Mode” which instantly delivers the distance of the car in front of you, the recommended lane for you, street signs, traffic lights, and more. It also notifies you of a typical driver’s most needed pit stops like convenience stores and gas stations.


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