
Twitter etiquette: what you can and cannot say

In light of British journalist Guy Adams’s Twitter account being suspended after he criticised NBC’s London 2012 Olympics coverage and a police investigation into a Twitter troll who abused Team GB diver Tom Daley, we have put together a tweeting etiquette guide.

The shock suspension of Adams’s Twitter account after he published the corporate email address of Gary Zenkel, the president of NBC Olympics has left many tweeters confused about what is and isn’t allowed on the site.
Adams makes a fair point that Zenkel’s corporate email address is publicly available and that he didn’t publish his personal contact details. Moreover, it was Twitter, who is suspiciously in a commercial relationship with the US broadcaster during its Olympics coverage, which first alerted NBC’s social medial department to Adams’s tweets.
So what are the rules? And more crucially, when will Twitter suspend an account? Twitter’s communication team had not responded to The Telegraph’s request for more clarification on both of these points at the time of writing.
Twitter’s rules, available via its ‘help centre’, say that its users must not impersonate others in a manner intended to mislead or deceive others.
Tweeters are not allowed to infringe companies’ trademarks by either assuming their name or logo as part of their profile.
Members of the service must not publish other people’s private and confidential information – such as credit card numbers or home address – without their express permission.
People will be permanently suspended from the site if they perpetually send spam or abuse – which is defined as “specific threats of violence against others”.
And tweeters must not infringe copyright rules, use the site for illegal purposes (adhering to the country’s laws from which a person is tweeting) or misuse Twitter verification badges (which denote an account’s authenticity with a blue tick).
Twitter users must not use obscene or pornographic images in either their profile picture or user background.
The guidelines say accounts may be suspended if any of these terms of service are violated.
However, with more one billion tweets posted every three days, violations are difficult to track and suspensions are still sometimes unpredictable.
Debretts has released a social ‘netiquette guide’ in which it advises: “Play it safe, and always employ your usual good manners when online, treating others with kindness and respect.
“Don't make friends with people who you don't know. It's not a competition to see how many friends you can get. Think carefully before you accept someone or remove someone as a friend. Don't annoy your friends by constant, frantic poking… Think carefully about the photos you post, both of yourself and others. Consider your friends' feelings. Would they be happy for everyone to see the unflattering picture of them after their fourth tequila shot?
“Think about what your profile picture says about you, and don't fall into the trap of turning the online universe into a fantasy world, where you are more attractive and successful than in real life. Social networking is meant to complement and enhance your existing social life, not completely obliterate it.”
In the case of Rileyy69, the Twitter troll being investigated by police after taunting Tom Daley post him missing out on a medal in the men’s synchronised 10m platform diving platform, and others like him, the Debretts online manners guide says: “Make it a general rule that you will never say anything online that you wouldn't be able to articulate directly, face to face. Do not use the technology as a shield, masking your true feelings and personality. So always write polite emails, and never send messages (on social networking sites, chatrooms, SMS etc.) that contain intemperate language or sentiments that you would never normally express in your everyday life…Don't be an online bully: threatening and haranguing people you can't see, who can't fight back.
“Don't be an online bore: blogs that enumerate the minutiae of your day, likes, dislikes etc. in excruciating detail may exercise a horrible fascination, but won't make you popular.
“Always remember that going online is a way of enhancing your life, not a substitute for living.”
The British law is also clear about anyone who sends grossly menacing messages to another person, whether it’s online or via the post, will risk being reported to the police. Quite simply, it is illegal.
If in doubt, just use common sense. If you wouldn’t say something to someone face to face – then do not write it online. Equally if you don’t know the person you are writing about or to, consider if what you are about to write on social media you would say to that stranger (despite them potentially being a celebrity) if you happen to meet them.
Do not over share your own information or anyone else’s. And remember – whatever you write on Twitter is always public, (unless you protect your tweets) and is being archived by the US Library of Congress. Don’t write anything which may come back to haunt you in years to come.


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