
Australia teen in 'brownie' attempted murder charge

Police in Australia say a 14-year-old girl has been charged with the attempted murder of two boys, allegedly using brownies poisoned with a household chemical.

The incident happened in the Brisbane suburb of Richlands, police said.

The two boys, aged 12 and 13, were not harmed as they did not ingest enough of the toxic substance, reports said.

The substance had not been identified but was ''something you would find around the home'', police said.

The girl ''has been charged with one count each of attempted murder and administer poison with attempt to harm as well as two counts of acts intended to maim", said a Queensland police statement.

The police did not confirm that chemical-laced brownies were used, but the detail has been widely reported in Australian media.

The teenager would be dealt with under the Youth Justice Act, police said.


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