
Grand Jury is Investigating Disability Payments to those Chicago Police

There was a series that was ran in the Sun Times in July about the seemingly healthy Chicago police officers, and even firefighters that were collecting disability pay for over 20 years for some of them. Well that series of articles started uproar and gained the attention of the federal grand jury. The Policemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago was served with a subpoena earlier this week by the grand jury. They demanded mostly every record that they have related to those police officers receiving disability payments that are dated back to January 2006.

The Grand Jury is seeking:

n Injury reports that include the officers’ names, description of injuries and the names of their doctors.

n Doctors’ reports, including the treatment.

n “All reports prepared by claims investigators, underwriters and adjusters, and any other parties employed or retained to process, investigate, subrogate, monitor and adjudicate duty-disability claims.”

n Records that regard each of the officer’s “return to work status.”

n Record of any of the officers who asked for and were “refused accommodation to return to restricted work by city of Chicago departments.”

They have until the end of October to turn over any and all of these records. There are 347 police officers that are receiving tax free disability duty payments, which total $18 million each year. The series that was written introduced you to a formed police officer that went to law school, helps run a mortuary business, while also going big game hunting even though his doctor claimed that he cannot hold a firearm.


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