
Headline Oct 13,2012 /

''The Great And The Good Of The World!'' 

''This heart to stagger on alone, -unsuccored and unseen,
Till time at last comes to her side. -her painful wound to clean!''

This verse is One very humble offering from the whole world to -one of its greatest daughters, ''Malala Yousafzai''

No words can ever suffice.The Samurai move on in a dignified mourning and pain as I revert to the Post

Lakshmi Mittal relishes nothing more than be seeing than being seen with the world's leading politicians. Stealth diplomacy is a typical Mittal hallmark.
President Bill Clinton returns his calls.In 2008, he strode contentedly among the great and the good at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Swirzerland. Mittal was pleased to hook up with his old friend Tony Blair.
''I was sad to see him leave office, Mittal says, ''I admired his leadership, I admire his vision. He worked very hard for this country.''
So far Mittal has gifted more than £6 million to the Labour Party. ''I never asked for anything in return,'' he insists, diverting any questions of honours. ''I made my gifts because of my love for the party.''

Mittal maybe the great opportunist, with an uncanny eye for a bargain -the Nova Hutt Mill in the Czech Republic he paid $10 million for in 2003 is now worth $2 billion -but he is not a gambler. When he was negotiating with American billionaire Wilbur Ross Jr to buy his company, ISG, in 2004, which gave Mittal a huge foothold in the American Auto Market, also made him the the biggest Steel Maker in the World, at 60 million tonnes.

The two men were just $50 million apart in agreeing a value for ISG when suddenly Ross pulled a coin from his pocket and said,''Lakshmi we are so close, let's toss for it.''
''Wilbur,'' Lakshmi smiled everybody knows that the Head is heavier than the tail!'' Hahha!

The great men is just not short on greatness. He gives and helps without a whiff. He gave India over £4.5 million in 2004, after India's humbling performance in Olympics. Lakshmi established the Mittal Champion Trust to help India prepare for future Olympics.
And Mittal spend £34 million on the marriage of his daughter Vanisha. More than 1000 guests were flown in from the world over for a lavish ceremony at the Palace of Versailles. This also included a performance by Kylie Minogue.

Like all rich and powerful Men, Mittal has his contradictions but there is an old money modesty about him. He remains humble,and many times one feels conscious of destiny.

As I round off this post, I wonder at how the God Lord above, picks his elements to accomplish his designs. But in the case of Mallala Yousafzai he picked a unique compound.

Good Night & God Bless!


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