
"Headline Oct16,2012/"


As his brilliant and scary research progressed, Badylak increasingly got convinced, that if there was any shot of this strategy going prime time in humans, he would not be able to use intestines, or bladders from domesticated animals like dogs and cats, -which by the way have the strongest intestinal lining of any animals.

Using human parts was also out of question. Badylak tried Zebras, groundhogs, prairie dogs, sheep, and cows before settling on pigs.

They are plentiful, they are similar enough to humans in genetic makeup, and from a regulatory perspective, FDA is friendly towards them because they have for years been the source of ''Heart Valves'' and dermatological research. And the extracellular Matrix is not rejected by the human body, because all the cells are thoroughly removed. Then, even, the material can be ground into a powder or made into a sheet like waxed paper or modeled into a shape, like that of an esophagus.

Through out the 90s, Professor Badylak published one paper after another reporting his discoveries in every minute detail, but the collective response of the scientific community was basically to ignore him.

Then fate intervened and Badylak got acquainted with Spievack! The two of them began a friendship and casual working relationship, with Badylak advising the company Spievack eventually started to use extracellular matrix scaffolds in injured animals.

Spievack just could not understand why the rest of the world was not interested in Badylak's work. Badylak answered, ''Because they just don't believe it!'' Such is the world and mystery and science.

A few days after Lee Spievack cancelled his appointment with the hand surgeon, he received a package from his older brother containing a vial of powder. His brother instructed him to sprinkle it on his finger every other day until the powder was gone.

So every other day for the next eight days, he sprinkled the powder on his finger. Something strange began to happen! There was a sensation all the time and the finger began to stir and grow.There was a skin growing and tissue on the inside,too. His fingertip grew back.The tip is a little hard on the end, but he can feel things just fine,the only side effect.

Asking Badylak what happened with Spievack's finger does not produce an exceptionally long answer. He doesn't really know. He can't fully explain why the scaffolds do what they do, and until he can explain that, he cannot manipulate the technology to grow back entire digits or organs.
He's getting there but he is not there yet.

Still the scaffolds have already been used in more ''than a million'' patients to regrow cartllage and in sports injuries, rebuild urethras, and repair hernias, and Professor Badylak has started testing the technology on human esophagi.

Now, Classy was a typically unlucky horse. He had a terrible accident that left a huge gaping hole in his face and gouged a bone.The Surgeons at the Colorado State University perfromed some really bloody operations on him.He is now fully healed and rearing. And this turns Badylak into philosophy
''I am also just as sure that people will not regrow whole digits if you just put the powder on. There's missing pieces to the puzzle. The problem is I don't know how big the puzzle is.''

And that's the thrill and the lure of this incredible work of great scientists. All in the serving of Humanity:Thanks to !WOW! as we question these accomplishments in the next Post. Till then, have a great Weekend!

Good night & God bless!


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