
Headline Oct21,2012/


''So on the odd occasion they will not play ball we have to take it to the next level, which is notifying the ISP, who will forcibly remove the content or close the website down. That's very much the last resort.Luckily, with very few exceptions, they all cooperate with us.''

The most famous, the Swedish Bit Torrent site, The Pirate Bay, of course did not. But then it also ignored Lucas film, Universal Pictures, Microsoft - in fact, anyone and everyone. One of its responses to a legal missive from Apple regarding the distribution of the ,''Tiger Operating System,'' read : ''Instead of simply recommending that you hurt yourself with a retractable baton, let us recommend specific model -the ASP 21. The previous Lawyers tried to use a cheap brand, but it broke during the action.''

"The Pirate Bay really is not give a damn,'' says Gincobbi. ''They were relying on the fact that they were in Sween where the laws used to be lax and they thought that the American hotshots would not bother suing them. Eventually, that myth was blown.'' So later, the site's four man management were found guilty of assistance to copyright infringement and sentenced to a year in prison an fined £2,385,000. Unsurprisingly, they appealed.

So what's the way forward for the music industry and will it spawn a business model for the other creative industries? The free and legal Spotify, where you stream music in return for ignoring the ads, or hitting mute when some goon pops up to tell you about an album they would like you to buy is surely too good to be true. Do not forget you are on a free music site for heaven's sake!!

''Yes, the jury is out on Spotify,'' Giacobbi says.''The theory is good but the financial mechanics do not add up. Nobody knows how many advertisement add-ons you would have people to listen to get to the equivalent of sale of one CD. The labels are rushing at it lemming like, hoping that atleast they will make some money -which is not the best answer. And while Spotify has licenses, the majors have not always cleared them with the artists. We are about to pull all sorts of stuff off there.''

Giacobbi reckons that what will transpire will be what happened in the past with the Radio and MTV. When radio first came about it did not pay royalties. Similarly, with MTV the labels thought it was just really good promotion for the record.

Then they realised that a multibillion dollar corporation had sprung up, making money off their music, so there was a period of adjustment.When YouTube ends up paying proper royalties -and it's started to move in that direction, it will operate like a Radio Station where the artists and the record companies get paid.

So what then does the future hold? Is Technology and rights heading in that direction. The present shows that in the years ahead, all the big Telecom companies will have a Software in their pipes that will watermark all content. Everyone will get charged on their phone bill. Till then, Ghostbusters, are likely to have a field day!

To me, an that too having just researched the subject all ingeniously complicated!

A day says crazy. A year says genius!

Good Night & God Bless


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