
LUCK: ''The Final Whistler!''

''The Final Whistler!''

Now, consider 50% certainty. What is the minimum number of people you would need in a room to have a 50/50 chance that two of them would share a birthday? The answer surprisingly is not half of 366, not even quarter of it; the answer is 23 -meaning that any time you are with 22 other people there is an even chance that two will have the same birthday. You can't of course presume that in every gathering of 23 individuals there will be two people who share a birthday, just that there is an even chance that there will be.

Given such odds , it's not unlikely that what appear to be unlikely events do occur. There is something mysterious about coincidence. Some people are intrigued that the assassinated President Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy and the assassinated President Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln, seeing in it some sort of transcendental epiphany.

But it is just coincidence.It would be odder in the whole sweep of history, if something similar hadn't happened. As with coincidence, so with chance. Chance is the basis of probability theory and it is often completely misunderstood.We remain curiously fearful of things that are unlikely to happen and oddly complacent about things that are much more likely to happen. It has been estimated in America that the chances of dying in a car crash are 1 in 5300, while the chances of contracting AIDS in a single heterosexual sexual with a partner -who is not in the known risk group- are about one in five million.

In other words you are at least 1000 times more likely to die in a car crash on your way home. But most people, if asked, would voice more concern about AIDS than car crashes.

So, the chances of winning a lottery, one that requires you to pick six correct numbers out of a possible 40, are just under one in 4 million. Granted that you are more likely to win a lottery than contract AIDS, but your chance of getting killed in a car crash are still much much higher.

Still Luck and Winning are a part of Life's mystery and fun. That is one good probability and a chance that you must understand and take but never too seriously, ever! All are Mathematical Spins. Fate, is what you need to watch out for! Fate is the Master Hunter, armed with every statistics to smash you either way. Hahaha!

Thanks to !WOW! Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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