
Philippine Medical Tourism Congress,

RxPinoy, with Beautiphil Health Holidays Corp., and Honors Inc. are organizing the Philippine Medical Tourism Congress, Expo on Nov. 20 to 21. The reason is simple: the Philippines have much to offer in the area of medical tourism and they are not making the most of their potential. Above all, they have needs and they have resources.

The Philippines need investment, while their medical resources provide opportunity for needs to be met. A large number of US doctors are Filipino or of Filipino origin. Their medical standards are world-class and they speak English, making communication with caregivers easy. Moreover with more than 8 million Filipinos living abroad, the market for serving their own ex-pat community is huge. This is where they intend to start, with their own community following the trend in India.
At a treatment cost of $122,000 in the US for a coronary bypass, the tourist pays only $12,000 in Thailand including air fares, hotel and accommodation to give an example. In the Philippines, hospitals in Bicol, Cebu and Davao are already offering difficult procedures such as a coronary bypass, which costs $10,000. A kidney transplant operation in Davao and Cebu is offered at $60,000 whereas as the procedure could cost $140,000 in other countries. Plastic surgery is on the cards and advertised through the celebrities who go there for cosmetic and beauty treatment. Spas and massage centers would follow.

There is something special on offer. RxPinoy is a medical tourism web-site, where a community of doctors and dentists are ready to empower the „consumer“. RxPinoy has also added a medical question and answer service to enable the seeker to find the best medical service for his particular condition.

 The purpose of the Expo is to bring all these factors together, to convince the Philippine government that they need to start now with what they have and follow the pattern of India where government, medical professionals and the tourist industry are well orchestrated.


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