
Work to Bring Equality to Those with Disabilities

As a lot of people know, October is National Disability Awareness and National Disability Employment Awareness Month. In all areas of the country, around 11.9 percent of the total U.S. population has reported having disabilities. The numbers continue to grow as people continue to age. Fewer than 1 percent of people under the age of 4 have reported disabilities, 50 percent of those 75 and older have reported disabilities. The reason for all of these disabilities is wide from illnesses to injury, to getting them at birth. Now that more and more people are being diagnosed with the Autism Spectrum Disorder, the percentages might be on the rise again.

There is a problem with disabilities however; they either are the first thing in mind or not in the mind at all. If there is someone without a disability doing a great job on their work then you would talk about how well they are doing at exceeding limits, but if that person had a disability and did just as well then they would be talked about how they are doing well in spite of their disability. When it comes to providing adequate means for these disabled individuals, we have done so much to help them get further such as wheel chair paths outside, and ramps to get into buildings.

However, those individuals that have disabilities face so many challenges still to this day even with the help of these extras. A lot of times those with disabilities are not able to reach the jobs of their dreams since stereotypes of people putting them down and not seeing their real potential keep coming to them. There are many employers that will not hire disabled people because they do not feel that they could fit the job description. There are many barriers between communities, and the nation as a whole that stop disabled people from really going out there and getting what they want. We want those disabled individuals to be professionals in careers, and to be able to live independently while earning their own money. A lot of times, these individuals cannot fit into certain social groups. This is something that needs to be set aside. No groups welcome those with disabilities, and this can create a hard time for that person working within the group.

We need to create more jobs, and open our minds to the idea of allowing disabled folks into our groups.


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