
Headline December1,2012


''Ultimately,'' says this genius master, ''what scares me the most is Reality!''
As he goes about framing the world in his lens, he is totally fascinated by Light itself........twilight, lamplight, light from windows. His reality is sharpened by the idea not of the next frame, but rather that will all fade as light fades; it is all in the process of disintegration and decay.
American Photographer Gregory Crewdson's figures seem hypnotised and bewildered in the world he has made for them.

In the summer of 1996, he spent two months alone in a cabin in a remote part of Massachusetts. Crewedson, who often seems the most stagey and theatrical of artists, simply took black and white photographs of fireflies. The pictures are untypical of his work but they include his signature sense of disturbance and mystery, of a drama caught at one of its most deeply suggestive moments. The offer stillness as a sort of dream, a creepiness, and beauty as something fleeting and untrustworthy.

Although as typical, they offer an interesting key to Crewdson's visual imagination. First, despite what might seem like minimalism, they are laden with coiled imagination; they contain almost unbearable levels of feeling. They have a dark, poetic and hard-won beauty buried in them. Second, the fireflies themselves offer a focus, but once the eye move from them to the dark or darkening, unpeopled world around them, often featuring trees or an object such as jar, then something hits the nervous system and the images become deeply strange and compelling.

This is also what happens in his photograph's of disturbed suburban life:the beneath The Roses series, for which he is most known. His latest works, showing and exploring similar themes, are of the complacent world as dreams or nightmare, or as it might appear after an accident or a disaster. Patterns of repose and comfort -domestic settings such as living rooms, bedrooms,gardens are made to seem like astonishing creations, heavy with meaning too deep for us to decipher, with emotion shimmering over every inch of the frame.

Crewdson's images can be playful and almost funny; others are highly disturbing, especially when there is no obvious sign of disturbance. There is a mysterious precision in what he does.
His tense images may seem like movie stills but they have an iconic appearance, with no possibility of a before or after.
In this world -this theater of utter cruelty!!
Like God, he just did not find the world, he painstakingly makes it!

Students of advance Engineering and Software concepts would be well advised to seek inspiration from his work.

Good Night & God Bless!


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